ecofaith worshipping community

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Participant's comments on the six week ecofaith gatherings in 2005

I felt really excited about honouring the earth in a group of like-minded, loving individuals. My lack of attendance towards the end was due to other commitments (-out of the habit of regular Sunday worship also!)

I am one that respects my Christian heritage and my family’s beliefs however have been somewhat ‘put-off’ and disillusioned. I feel I identify well in the ‘eco-faith’ community.

It came to me at 3am one morning… It was one of those 'God is right here' moments – probably the closest I have felt to God for some time.

All we can do is open our hearts to the rest of creation and be prepared to receive all it gives us and learn all it is prepared to teach us.

I have felt very happy to talk to my family and friends about the eco group whereas I felt my previous association with the church was too far apart from real life to easily talk about.

eco worship is real and worthwhile.

The best Kris Kringle ever – just a great idea thank you.

The N S E W intercessory prayer or Bev's version are so worth doing every time we meet.

Liberating theology is important to me.
I would like to belong to a faith community rather than a congregation.

The landscape is the text that I read, (or should I say the landscape is the text that reads me?).

It is my connection to the landscape – to all that is living, the seasons, natural phenomena, - earth, sea, sky – that nourishes my soul and speaks to me in ways that help me to make sense and meaning in my life.

In ‘natural’ surrounds is where I most experience a sense of the presence of God.

I love questions and abhor certainty, dogmatism, superficiality, artificiality and clichéd images.

Regular Sunday gatherings must continue

One month in the year [Season of Creation] is not sufficient

This could also encourage many who have left the church to consider returning

part of the mission might eventually be to develop eco-leadership training for other congregations, and even other churches.

The review of Scripture interpretation… seemed to revitalise the Bible as a living text rather than ossified in relevance to historical times.

I greatly enjoyed the inclusion of some gentle Yoga movements and meditative walks within the service.

This ecoworship program has given me optimism for wider appreciation of this living planet as sacred.

Using the four direction for prayer was exciting. I used this in our local congregation and the response was fantastic. People could really focus on people or situations.

As I wandered and pondered I was challenged by how can we (people) live in harmony with the world and each other.

The Spirit within us is the same Spirit in the environment/ecology

The question of where Jesus fits into all of what we have talked about has raised a few issues for me. I still see him as the son of God… he is a terrific role model in justice for all and taking responsibility for a creation.
