[The links mentioned at the May 2015 Presbytery are here]

logo the ecoministry of the
mid north coast NSW

Uniting Church


The MNC ecoministry has evolved into the expanded Uniting Earth Ministry Project

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BACK ISSUES: November 2012 December 2012 March 2013

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Resources Evolution Sunday "Multi faiths- one Earth" Season of Creation

The church is called to help bring about the reconciliation and renewal which is God's ultimate desire for the whole creation (Uniting Church Basis of Union)

The mid north coast presbytery has established an ecoministry to help further those aims, with part funding from the Synod.

The ministry has three main emphases:

Collaboration with other groups of good will

The Uniting Church has a consistently collaborative approach to seeking justice, and the reconciliation and renewal of creation.

From 2008-I have been involved with several groups in Bellingen, including the local food network, the Bellingen transition towns initiative, the Bellingen Institute, and a wide ranging community group which stopped the RTA running a road upgrade through part of Cameron's Corner wetland.

Congregations in our presbytery have asked that from 2012, my role shift towards helping them collaborate with their local communities: so that they become practitioners too.

New faith communities

The bellingen ecofaith worshipping community met regularly from 2009- 2011 to explore the links between ecology and faith. In 2012 those who are still around bellingen will meet ad hoc, as more time is spent on...

Greening existing church communities.

In September, churches around the world participate in the Season of Creation. I produced a series of DVDs for 2012, in collaboration with ProjectReconnect. The videos and liturgies produced are available here, and you can find the older 2008/2011 resources too.

Presbytery has explored the idea of ecofootprinting. The footprinting resources are located here, which also has a link to the video we watched.

We are looking at participating in the five leaf eco-awards throughout the presbytery. The website and materials are currently being revised.

We also held a Faith. On Earth gathering in Bellingen.


My name is Jason John, and the ecoministry is 0.6 of my placement. I am also the minister of the Uniting Church in Bellingen, and you are very welcome to join us for worship at 9:30 on a Sunday, and/or chat to me after the service. Worship is every week, and I am ususally there on the 1st and 3rd Sundays.


Rev Dr Jason John
Ecominister, mid north coast presbytery.
skype jason.robert.john

(more about Jason)

The ecominister position is jointly funded by the presbytery and the Synod Mission Resource Fund.
A powerpoint of the funding proposal can be viewed here

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