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To make it easier to access and read my books, I've recently moved them across to Amazon for kindle.

You should be able to find them all on my author page or click on the links below.

worsipping evolutions god

A contribution to the current worldwide conversation about what the new creation stories coming from the sciences mean for our faith in, and worship of, the God of life.

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Extra resources
The thesis from which some of it is drawn, and where you can get references.


easter horror stories

Easter Horror Stories develops one of the sections in Worshipping Evolution's God (below), after that material was used a few more times in worship. It has less of an ecological focus.

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Salvation for Noah and his sons
Jesus gets started
Salvation for “the Jews.”
Bible breaking foreskin keepers
Salvation for obedient Jews
shut up about the Messiah!
Mustn’t grumble
the suffering, victorious son of man
Jeremiah: a new thing.
Jesus: a new thing.
The temple is a joke
You sort it out with God.
Bad things happen to good people. Even Jesus
Friday. There is nothing good about it
Mark's Easter: The world’s first cliffhanger?


A potted history of the first couple of years of the Adelaide ecofaith community, which I wrote in my final months there. As of 2013 the community is still meeting.

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This e-book doesn't handle the original image layout brilliantly.

You can get the free pdf version here