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I wrote a short response to the Uniting Church Doctrine Working Group's discussion paper on marriage.

Stop being a stupid sheep, become part of Jesus' mob. (the kangaroo- a better metaphor for the Australian church)

Forget the Fall, worry about the Fool. A development of a snippet from a talk I gave at the ecotheology conference at Chapel by the Sea.

"The Earth is the Lord's, but we need more than one" A one page reflection on Ps 24 and the ecological footprint, on the global footprinting part of this site.

ABC Spirit of Things interview. Ok its not exactly a paper, but its much more environmetnally friendly! An ad hoc interview with Rachael Kohn about "eco-faith" and the implications of evolution etc for the Christian story.

Confessions of a Faith Community, a short piece for an online Uniting Church 'zine. They pruned the end (I was over limit), I may put the full version here sometime.

Ecological Peace. This theme was chosen for me at a conference at Rockhampton, and was real challenge! You can view the powerpoint of the talk, and hear the audio at their web site (for all the speakers, not just me). Or you can see an extended version of the powerpoint I gave (with more slides and notes but no audio) here.

My thesis, Biocentric Theology: Christianity celebrating humans as an ephemeral part of life, not the centre of it is available from the Flinders Uni library, and their online thesis collection
. You can also download a range of smaller, single spaced versions here.

A "green", "progressive" baptism. A sample "order of service" and "sermon".

Rethinking the Genesis creation stories. Contribution to On Dit, Environment Edition 2006
Or read a longer version of the On Dit article

Evolution and Christian Fundamentalism: United against Conservation.
On Dit, Environment Edition 2006

The following short papers give a sense of the development of the ecofaith ministry idea (and how long its taken to get going), in mostly reverse chronological order.

Biocentric Theology: A contribution to Journey (Queensland UCA Synod paper- May 2006

Wouldn't it be exciting? A story about ecoministry (2004)

(currently lost) Mission proposal: Chaplain to the Conservation Council of SA (2004)

Ecojustice (Short article for a Qld congregation 1998)

Environmental Deacons (version 2) (1996/7)

Ecojustice and the diaconate (c1997, and a response to that article in c1999)

(lost) The original home page of the SA UCA Environment Action Group (1996)

In 2004 Cameron Freeman and I organised a Christianity after Darwin conference at Flinders University, but they no longer host it :-(

There's also a collection of old college essays here