



These Season of Creation resources have been prepared as part of the
Mid North Coast Uniting ecoministry, as has this retro website.


Most of them are also available on DVD through ProjectReconnect.

Serving the reconciliation and renewal of all creation (Uniting Church Basis of Union )

Seasons of the Spirit is also following the Season of Creation again.
The original liturgies, lectionary readings, and other links are at the original Season of Creation website


Adult reflection
Lots of God stuff happens on mountains, but maybe only if they are hard to get to. And not all the God stuff is pleasant. Just ask the bewildered, doubtful disciples, and Jesus in the garden at the foot of the mountain.
Despite the risks, let's take time to journey to the mountain - literally or metaphorically- to meet God.

All ages "thing"
The kids and I made this movie just for fun after watching "Dude vs wild" on youtube (see next panel).

Maybe its just silly. Maybe there is a lesson in it for all of us this mountain Sunday. If you find one, let me know in the comments below! We're stumped.

  "dude vs wild." This is definitely just silly. But much better shot than our version! You will need to sort out your own copyright permission if you actually wanted to show it in church.
  Does religion have a place in saving the planet? Edited excerpts from the BBC DVD "Planet Earth". I had to remove the youtube video, but if you can find the DVD and play that part it would be an excellent introduction to worship.
word or pdf format Written to accompany and introduce the video resources above. You can also use the Seasons of the Spirit material, if you don't want to create your own.