



These Season of Creation resources have been prepared as part of the
Mid North Coast Uniting ecoministry, as has this retro website.

Most of them are also available on DVD through ProjectReconnect.

Serving the reconciliation and renewal of all creation (Uniting Church Basis of Union chapter 3)
Seasons of the Spirit is also following the Season of Creation again.
The original liturgies, lectionary readings, and other links are at the original Season of Creation website.

Sky Sunday  

Reflection (Dr Miriam Pepper)

How the sky encourages us towards generosity, awe and humility.

Dr Miriam Pepper worships at South Sydney Uniting Church. Miriam  is a founding member of UnitingEarthweb and Secretary of the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change (ARRCC). She is also a researcher with the National Church Life Survey and an Honorary Fellow at the Australian Catholic University. Her PhD research examined Christianity and sustainable consumption.

The bower bird: an "all ages" parable
Like the prodigal son, the satin bowerbird keeps wanting more and more until he takes even the blue sky, and then comes to his senses. Followed by a short personal reflection on "what is enough?"
A story about the Adelaide Ecofaith Community, which meets outside under the sky to remind itself of the uncontrollable nature of the God of all of life. A similar community met in Bellingen for a couple of years.
  Does religion have a place in saving the planet? Edited excerpts from the BBC DVD "Planet Earth". I had to remove the youtube video, but if you can find the DVD and play that part it would be an excellent introduction to worship.

A Possible Liturgy

.doc and .pdf

A liturgy written to go with the project reconnect DVD, feel free to take and adapt anything which is useful.
There is also a liturgy at the Season of Creation website