The Cosmic Christ
xx minutes
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Opening Prayer & Acknowledgment of Country
1-3 minutes
Somebody might like to offer their own prayer focussing on the “big picture”- God throughout the universe, and yet present with us.
God of seventy thousand million million million stars and countless planets. We give thanks for your presence here on ours.
God of all the millions of species sharing this home with us, we give thanks for your presence with ours.
If a First Nations Prayer: God who was with our people as we gathered here for tens of thousands of years before Jesus walked this Earth, and as we survived the last two centuries.
Other prayers: God of the [insert local Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander People(s) here], who have gathered here with each other and with you for tens of thousands of years before Jesus walked this Earth, gaining particular insights into your ways.
Creator. Sustainer. Reconciler.
You are welcome here. We pray for a sense of your presence here amongst us, and an openness to what you have to say to us as we gather.
Perhaps an invitation to open prayer
Part One: the Biblical Witnesses
7 minutes
In Christ all things were created, all things hold together, all things are reconciled.
That there is a cosmic scope to the person and work of Christ is not a new affirmation.
Covers 1 Corinthians 8:5-7; Philippians 2:5-11; Colossians 1:15-16; Hebrews 1:2-3; John 1:1-4; Revelation 3:14.
Play the video
Re-read the passages listed above together.
What strikes you?
To what extent has the idea of the “Cosmic Christ” been important in your faith?
Has it been a big part of the teaching in your church?
What hopes and challenges does it imply?
Optional Reflection
5 minute video
“The Play” reflects on the cosmic journey of our planet, and invites us to wonder. How do you respond to Peter’s song?
Part 2: Origins, Prepositions, Ecological Implications
13 minutes
Vicky briefly explains the origins of the Cosmic Christ idea. She emphasises the prepositions of the Cosmic Chirst: from whom, for whom, through whom, in whom, before whom. These propositions relate Christ to all things. Finally Vicky introduces some implications for how we as humans should relate to all things– what are the ecological implications of the Cosmic nature of Christ?
Discussion: The Origins of the Cosmic Christ Idea
xx minutes
What does it mean to you, to explain the pagan background to a core Christian belief?
How different might Christianity look in the lands now called Australia if it had systematically used local beliefs to express itself?
If we took up that challenge now, what might change? Start with any First Nations people in the group.
Take it further: links to a module(s) on First Nations theologies.
Discussion: Unpacking the Ecological Implications
xx minutes
(from 10:22)
Vicky asserts that “The cosmic scope of person and work of Christ connects believers with the Cosmos” What are your first reactions to that claim? How much is it a part of your spirituality?
1 Cor 3:21-22, “All things are yours… all belong to you.” What are the promises and pitfalls of this thinking? How might that change when read by a small community facing persecution in the first century, and Christians who control or benefit from massive economies today?
How does verse 23, and “the prepositions” control verse 21-22?
“We glimpse the reality of God in Creation.” How true is that for you? How often do you get out into more natural places to “glimpse God?”
“We are kin with all of Creation?” How does that sit with you? If true, how would/does it affect decisions you make on a daily basis? Do you see this reflected in your church’s life and liturgy?
Could “all families of the Earth” mean all creatures? If that was a blessing to Abraham, is it still relevant? See also Genesis 2:15, where God puts the adam (earthling) into the garden to serve and protect it. (see study on Genesis 1-3)
Optional Closing Reflection
5 minute video
“Holy now” celebrates God’s presence in all things, not just a church building. How do you respond to Peter’s song?
[This could also be an opening discussion starter]
xx minutes
In this module…
Closing Prayer
xx minutes
Additional Resources
Alternate- Part 1&2
20 minutes
Both videos combined, for those who want to play straight through.
This panel will have a pdf version to download
Optional Bonus Content
8 minutes
In this bonus content, which fits between videos 1 and 2, Vicky explores the origins of Wisdom theology, and the stoic concept of the Sage who embodies wisdom. This laid the groundwork for an understanding of Jesus as the sage who embodied it fully.
From the module
“The cosmic scope of person and work of Christ connects believers with the Cosmos”
In Christ all things were created, all things hold together, all things are reconciled… That there is a cosmic scope to the person and work of Christ is not a new affirmation.