Gleniffer Community Church


Usually on the third Sunday of each month at 10am, in the beautiful little wooden building. There is an sms list to let people know about changes to services, email to be added to it.

Next services: Christmas Carols 7:30pm December 15th

We are the Community Church at Gleniffer, a non-affiliated church with worship led by Uniting Church minister, Jason John.

We are grateful to be able to gather monthly, away from the hustle and bustle, in this small building in this awe-inspiring location, to respond to Jesus’ Good News for the whole Earth, as Christians have done so for over a century.

The Gumbaynggirr People have been here with the Spirit, through Law, custom and ceremony, for tens of thousands of years, giving them particular insights into God’s ways.

We value simplicity, peace, hospitality, honesty, intimacy, generosity and gentle humour.

We gather to celebrate together and pray for each other, explore contemporary theology and sing traditional hymns.

We encourage each other to follow Jesus’ teachings and life, without dictating to each other how we should do that.  We have found that loving and serving the Earth can’t be separated from how we love and serve and love God, neighbour, and self.

You are welcome to join us, whether you are a follower of Jesus or simply curious, looking for a community to join, or just passing through. 


Children are very welcome to join us. It isn’t safe for small children to run around outside unsupervised, as they can access the (usually very quite) road, and there is a river about 30m away, although obscured from view.  

Please join us for tea and coffee and a snack afterwards.

At this stage, the building is not wheelchair accessible, and has three stairs with a handrail.  Inside are traditional wooden pews. 

There is no toilet on the church grounds, but there is one about 50m away across a lawn.

the brochure front page promoting the gatherings at Gleniffer Church

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