Ecological Gathering

First Sunday of each month at 11am, under the yew tree in the yard of the church at Gleniffer

800 Timboon Road, Gleniffer (map)

Keep in touch on facebook

We particularly hold the forests of the Shire dear to our hearts, and seek ways to protect them, and to provide a place of rest and renewal for those who already are, plus anyone else needing renewal and reflection amidst their good doing.

Connect with the God of Life,  surrounded by the Earth family at Gleniffer.

God who is Mother, Father, Spirit, Encourager, Wisdom, the River feeding many wells, the elephant being described by blind people (snake, rope, tree, spear). God of the rainbow and all the rainbow people, here in communion with the Gumbaynggirr people long before Jesus, or even Abraham, walked the Earth.

We engage with Jesus’ teachings, Christian tradition and other traditions, through prayer, readings, reflections, ritual and sharing.  We celebrate a wide diversity of opinion on who or what Jesus was. We encourage each other to respond to the presence of the God who loves all of life, us, and even our enemies, without dictating to each other how we should respond.

All people who are willing to make others welcome, are welcome. Four and no legged people are welcome if they respect everyones boundaries, and someone cleans up after them if need be 🙂

This gathering is part of the Forest Advocacy Ministry, auspiced by the Uniting Church  Mid North Coast, and made possible by the hospitality of the Gleniffer Community Church.




We meet ourdoors on fairly flat but not completely even lawn. 

If it rains we will meet indoors, which at this stage is not wheelchair accessible, and has three stairs with a handrail.  Inside are traditional wooden pews.

We have a few chairs and rugs, but if you bring your own that could help. Make sure chairs are stable (decent camp chairs are fine)

Children are very welcome, and invited to participate. We usually have a few books on a rug if they would prefer to read them.  At this stage there is no separate children’s activity, and we prefer to work at ways to include them in the main gathering.

The fence to the river (20m away) is not child-proof.  We ask all adults to help keep kids within bounds as we gather, though ultimately at this stage it is up to parents to supervise children.  There is a low wooden fence making it difficult for children to run onto the usually very quiet road.

There is no toilet on the church grounds, but there is one about 50m away, across a lawn. It’s a great idea to go before you come though.

There is beautiful swimming close by if you want to bring bathers for a swim before or afterwards.  Imagine swimming to “church!”

People can wear whatever makes them feel comfortable, human adults please wear something!

Are you looking for the Gleniffer Community Church service?  Click here



Apr 7- Breath, and footwashing metaphorical and otherwise

Photo by Zé Zorzan on Unsplash

empty bowl<br />

March- fasting from injustice and inattention

Photo by Jonathan Pielmayer on Unsplash

Feb 4- Revisiting Noah, and telling your story

Jan 7- doing our bit of the work, not finishing it all

Dec- what roles do you play?

Oct 1st- Clare and Francis of Assisi week

Aug 27th- Special gathering (replaces Sep 3rd)

Aug 6th- Some Sinead songs

July 2nd- NAIDOC

June 4th- World
Environment Day


IDAHOBIT pride fla